ive got to get from Australia to Turkey to view, photograph & experience *again* the most remarkable feeling..seeing..*other than childbirth* of the Total Solar Eclipse in Turkey, in 2006. I would like to travel the surrounding areas for 3 months, and many goals to achieve before i can go.. But i start by manifesting Dreams ~ into Reality, today. Visit ECLIPSE 2006 for full Eclipse/Turkey feature.

Click for Antalya, Turkey Forecast

Friday, April 08, 2005

Zodiac Arts - Solar Eclipse

Zodiac Arts - Solar Eclipse: "A solar eclipse is a New Moon with tremendous impact. The Sun that gives us life and lights our path is joined briefly with the dark and mysterious qualities of the Moon. The Moon blocks the light of the Sun. In this moment of perceived darkness, spirituality and the psyche combine anew, beginning another cycle in the spiral of our personal development.

The last time there was a solar eclipse at this degree was April 1986. Think back to the personal themes in your life then and review the progress of your personal growth.

All eclipses indicate change; solar eclipses signify beginnings and usually manifest as events in the outer world. At solar eclipses we: begin something new, make promises to ourselves, commit, announce, present ourselves, show up, make plans, select events, make decisions, rise to the challenge, make an effort, change, mature, take on greater challenges, travel at a faster pace, feel restless, feel pressured by deadlines and a buildup of emotions, experience a crisis and feel excited.

In astrology, we also note at which of the Moon's nodes the eclipse occurs. North nodal eclipses have a personal orientation and symbolize personal identity, ego and the physical body. South nodal eclipses are other-oriented and symbolize a spouse or significant other, relationships and new perspectives based on interaction with others.

This is a north nodal eclipse, suggesting that we are being called to develop new skills and talents through independent effort.

The heightened impact of eclipse energy can be felt by everyone as much as 3 months in advance and has subtle reverberations for as long as 3 years afterwards. Although the energies are most prominent for a week on either side of the eclipse (many feel a heightened sense of anxiety during this period), the influence on events continues. Eclipse periods are extremely active, often associated with meaningful events and public exposure.

This solar eclipse takes place with the Sun and Moon in Aries.
The tarot card associated with the sign of Aries is Tarot Key #4 - The Emperor.
This card teaches us to be pioneering and to wield our power with compassion.

Sabian Symbol: 20 Aries
"A Young Girl Feeding Birds In Winter"

The symbolic degree interpretation of this particular eclipse suggests the benefits to be found when we assist others through barren times. The call is to respond to life with love and compassion, especially during times when our own outlook on life appears bleak.

Degree Affirmation: Love and compassion are gifts of life that I share generously with others.

If your birthday falls around Jan 9, Feb 7 or 22, Mar 9, Apr 8, May 9 or 25, Jun 9, Jul 11, Aug 11, Aug 27, Sep 11, Oct 12, Nov 11 or 26, Dec 11, your experiences now will have impact lasting three years. Expect to see current themes begin to develop ambitiously on their own next January. A full understanding of this period will take until October 2006 to unfold.

When an eclipse falls on your birthday, you can definitely count on an eventful year ahead. However, it does not have to be in your sun sign for you to feel its effects. If it makes any contacts to a planet or personal point in your chart, your experience of the eclipse will be intensified. A qualified astrologer can determine the placement of an eclipse in your chart and advise you about what to expect, along with how to make the most of the potential offered.

Posted by Spidey at 1:33 AM


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